Thursday, March 6, 2014

Sticky Note Summaries

    I have been working like crazy trying to get the low babies in my intervention group to remember what they have read.  We have been doing some close reading passages and drawing pictures to help us visualize each paragraph.  It was really helpful!  This week we were working on a leveled reader with sticky notes.  They LOVE writing on those bright little squares!  When I can keep their attention, I know I am doing something right.
     This week we practiced summarizing a story with sticky notes.  We discussed that when we summarize we find only the most important details.  After the kids read every two pages I had them summarize it in only one sentence.  At the beginning, they wanted to use the first sentence as their summary.  Then they wanted to say many sentences.  But once they realized it could only be one sentence they quickly caught on!
    The next time we met, I had the kids take the sticky notes off and put them onto the graphic organizer.  They loved this part!  Once they were all stuck on I had the kids read aloud the sticky notes in order.  It helped them see if all the important parts were there.  We read it several times to practice fluency too. 
     Now comes the thinking part!  The kids had to summarize the story in three to four sentences.  Condensing their sticky notes took a bit of time, but I was amazed with what they came up with!  They truly showed deep understanding of the story!
      The kids are begging to do this activity again, so it must be a winner.  Tomorrow I am going to try using sticky notes to go back and site evidence...wish me luck!  If you would like this free activity, please click on the picture to be linked to my TPT store.

Click on Picture 
Sticky Note Summary

                                                                                                   Happy Teaching,