Friday, February 15, 2013

Sequencing Fun

Our comprehension skill this week is sequencing.  I feel like I teach the same things over and over again when it comes to this skill.  Sure the kids can find signal words.  They can turn just about any story into a graphic organizer.  I needed something new to jazz this topic up!  I created a Mixed Up Story for the kids to create and share.  They LOVED it!!  FIRSTJ we talked about signal words and how authors do not use these words in every sentence.  THEN we discussed how each slip needed an event.  These events could be a couple of sentences long.  The students wrote stories and cut them apart.  AFTER THAT, I had the kids Stand Up Hand Up Pair Up. (All of you Kagan teachers know this as SUHUPUJ) After getting with a partner, students traded stories and put them back in order.  Once finished the kiddos found a new partner and repeated.  Fun Stuff!!  I have provided the link to this free template.  I am in the process of creating a Sequencing Unit with more activities like this.  It should be on teacherspayteachers in a week or soJ 


Happy teaching,



  1. Emily,

    What an awesome blog! I am so impressed! You are a fantastic teacher. Way to go!

    1. Thanks Kim:) This is all new to me and I am still figuring it all out!
