Thursday, March 21, 2013

Cause and Effect

It is that time of year again....testing season!! Yippee! Can you tell I can hardly contain myself? (Hint of sarcasm)  I start testing a week after Spring Break which means it is crunch time, baby.  As I planned for this next week I wanted to focus on all of the major tested skills:  character, plot, text features, cause and effect, the list goes on and on.  I have discovered that I have very little when it comes to cause and effect.  Over break I tried madly to create a little something.  It was quiet difficult while trying to entertain four kiddos who want and need my undivided attention.  At this very moment I have a five year old quizzing me on addition facts while rocking a baby to sleep.  Who knew I could type, add, and rockabye at the same time…I have talent.  To my amazement I have created a fun cause and effect packet!  I have provided a link to a freebie.  The students in my classroom absolutely LOVE Knock Your Block Off.  I have created one for just about every subject.  They could play it for hours if I let them.  Hope you enjoy.  I am finishing up the final touches to the Cause and Effect Fun, but it should be ready in the next day or soJ  

Click HERE for the Freebie



  1. Love your blog----such great ideas you have! I have nominated you for the Liebster award. To learn more about the award...visit my blog. :)

  2. Thank you so much! I am just starting out blogging, but am already in love. It is such a fantastic feeling to know that what I create helps others. The next blog I am visiting is yours!

  3. Thank you so much! I am just starting out blogging, but am already in love. It is such a fantastic feeling to know that what I create helps others. The next blog I am visiting is yours!
